Sunday, March 14, 2010

How Do You Recipe?

Recipes for me sometimes are a necessity because face it, there are times when I am less than creative. I just don’t have it in me to ‘create’ dinner some days. So, what I am asking here is how do you come by your recipes? For me, I kind of get them from everywhere.

I am on Food Network of course. I get several magazines as well. I am on Epicurious as well. My recipe box is a index card box, which is blue. It actually is all nasty because I have had it for a while and there are long periods of time where I do not use it.

If I see a recipe in a magazine that I have, usually I have a box full of old cooking magazines, so I will throw it in there, but if the magazine is not mine, I am not above ripping a page out sometimes. Yeah I am that woman. LOL. But I usually just toss it in the old recipe box to be looked at later. In my recipe box I have several recipes that I did get from Food Network, I printed the cards out and cut them out and stapled them together…. Little Suzy home maker am I.

I recently went through this box and looked to see what was actually in there. I had a couple duplicate recipes. I do that on purpose actually, when America’s Test Kitchen was still a semi free site, I printed a few recipes from them. But I printed more than one of each because face it, spills happen. Now that Cook’s Country and America’s Test Kitchen are the same, that website is pay only. I just bought the America’s Test Kitchen cook book with every single recipe that they have ever shown for less than an annual subscription to the website. I also got all of this years shows on DVD when it comes out for free because I bought the book.

I have tried some recipes from other sites and not had good results, so my advice is to stick to the sites you know and use a lot. I also am on the Kraft website as well. I have to admit that I am disappointed that they changed their policy regarding the magazine, it was free and great! Now it is like $14 for 4 issues. A bit much don’t you think? But you can get a look at the archived ones for free on the website. So, tell me how do you recipe?


  1. umm I am just a guy,, never did learn to read them recipes,, I just kind of throw whatever sounds as if it will work together and hope it tastes good,,

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